Sunday, May 24, 2020

Summary Of Dostoevskys Crime And Punishment - 1398 Words

In Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment, there are many â€Å"illuminating instances† that present â€Å"casements,† displaying key openings that reveal deeper meanings embedded throughout the story. In this particular scene, Rodya has recently been sent a letter from his mother describing what has happened to Dunya. The letter discusses the discerning past with her boss, Svidrigailov, and her upcoming marriage to Luzhin. Clearly, Rodya is unsettled by these names of Svidrigailov and Luzhin, along with their backgrounds and intentions. As he wanders St. Petersburg, his mind is everywhere. At one moment he is contemplating the impossibility of Luzhin’s described character; at another, he is speaking of Svidrigailov to himself. Then suddenly, he†¦show more content†¦His goal is clearly to keep the girl away from the other man. His insistent addressing of the officer demonstrates a pure intention of keeping the girl safe. He makes sure to maintain proper communication with the officer and relays intricate observations of the girl’s condition and appearance. This action also shows the evidence of morality in Rodya’s character. However, Dostoevsky purposefully intends to make clear the mercurialness of this character. When he writes, â€Å"At that moment something seemed to sting Raskolnikov; in an instant, a complete revulsion of feeling came over him,† he creates a direct parallel comparison within Rodya (52). This direct connotation of a â€Å"sting† represents Rodya’s inherent characteristic of volatility. His initial reactions display a moral disposition, then as he watches the officer pursue the man and the girl he cries out, â€Å"Let them be! What is it to do with you? Let her go! Let him amuse himself. What is it to do with you?† (52). This is a complete change in mindset from his original reaction. He seems to desert the part of the moral compass he has maintained during this event and converts to second-guessing and questioning himself repeatedly. This transfer of thought directly shows Rodya’s change in mentality from moral to immoral. His further contemplation of women’s role and fate in society also represent his immoral thought process. HeShow MoreRelatedSummary Of Dostoevskys Crime And Punishment792 Words   |  4 Pagesthe other it firmly grasps sickness, jealousy, and fear. In Dostoevskys work â€Å"Crime and Punishment† he uses yellow as an indicator for the sinfulness and filth that permeates and surrounds the characters. To compound the sinful filthy nature of the characters yellow also adopts the form of sickness, manifesting in both mental and physical states: a sentiment that is mirrored in Perkins Stetsons’ work â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† Dostoevskys depiction of sin and sickness is prevalent throughout his workRead MoreEssay about Dostoevsky and Nietzsches Overman2123 Words   |  9 Pagesmakes anyone who has read Nietzsches Zarathustra - even aphoristically, as I tried to do at first - cringe. Barrons Encyclopedia defines an overman as someone who has his act together and gets things done. Of course, considering that this is a summary of one part of Nietzsches ideas, and that the encyclopedia reduces his entire philosophy to one short paragraph, this is not a poor definition. But it eliminates parts of Nietzsches concept of the overman, or superman, which are essential to anRead MoreLiterature and Politics the Impact of Dostoevsky9582 Words   |  39 PagesDOSTOEVSKY Dostoevsky and the Legend of the Grand Inquisitor, by Vasily Rozanov. Translated and with an Afterword by Spencer E. Roberts. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. xi. 232. $12.50. Political Apocalypse. A Study of Dostoevskys Grand Inquisitor, by Ellis Sandoz. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1971, Pp. xviii. 263. $13.50.* ostoevskys great novels have spawned a vast library of critical 1/literature, a library which extends well beyond traditionalRead MoreContentious Expert Testimony Case Study: R vs. Smith4529 Words   |  18 Pagesï » ¿R v. Smith: Contentious Expert Testimony Life does not frequently imitate art. The case of R v. Smith [2011] EWCA Crime 1296 is evocative of the famed and beloved masterpiece by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment. The convicted murderer, Peter Smith, is very much a modern day Raskolnikov, though its doubtful that he will reach the level of redemption that Dostoevskys protagonist achieves. The case of R v. Smith [2011] EWCA Crim 1296 arose because of the murder of Hilda Owen, a 71- year old

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Aca Requirements For Insurers - 1320 Words

The ACA requirements for insurers to cover mammogram Policy background Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the US. About 40,000 women die from breast cancer each year, making it â€Å"the second leading cause of cancer death among women† (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) requires insurers to â€Å"provide coverage for and shall not impose any cost sharing requirements for† preventive services which are â€Å"in the current recommendation of the United States Preventive Services Task Force† (USPSTF). Nevertheless, the ACA makes an exception for breast cancer screening by stating that the USPSTF’s recommendation regarding mammogram â€Å"shall be considered the most current other than those issued in or around November 2009†. By using this legislative tool, the federal government mandates health insurers to provide coverage for annual or biennial mammograms in women aged 40 and older (US Preventive Services Task Force, 2013). While the ACA regulates the age limit, frequency, and cost-sharing rule of mammogram at federal level, preceding state policies regarding reimbursement for breast cancer screening dates back to the 1980s. Before the implementation of the ACA, the District of Columbia and all states except Utah required health insurance to cover mammogram. Laws vary slightly from state to state, but most of them mandate coverage for biennial mammograms for women aged 40 to 49 and annualShow MoreRelatedThe President Of The United States1243 Words   |  5 PagesPolicy Advisor Date: June 9, 2015 RE: Mandate recipients of government subsidy health care utilize ACA annual preventative care benefit before annual renewal There is no denying The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (more commonly known as ACA) is the largest health care reform in America’s history. ACA has provided affordable health care to millions of uninsured Americans nationwide. The ACA health care plans on the exchange (Marketplace) have to meet certain criteria, including provideRead MoreThe On Health Care Reform1290 Words   |  6 Pagesexpand health care coverage, however, in order to do so, many changes must be implemented in order to fulfill the ACA s promises. The first of which is allowing all individuals to acquire health insurance no matter the age, pre-existing conditions, or other unfair practices. Statistics show that â€Å"half of Americas† have a preexisting medical condition in which with the passage of the ACA, it allows individuals to acquire health insurance without the worry of having to pay high insurance bills (MoisseRead MoreUse Of Medical Loss Ratios1408 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Medic al Loss Ratio (MLR). The MLR was designed to regulate insurance providers and ensure the majority of customer premiums were being used to support customer outcomes surrounding the provision of health care. This Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) requires insurance providers to spend minimally 80 percent of premium dollars on medical care, with the review provisions imposing tighter limits on health insurance rate increases (, n.d.). In the event they fail to meet these standards, theRead MoreThe Implementation Of The Affordable Care Act Essay1542 Words   |  7 Pagesimplementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as â€Å"Obamacare†, has drastically altered healthcare in America. The goal of this act was to give Americans access to affordable, high quality insurance while simultaneously decreasing overall healthcare spending. The ACA had intended to maximize health care coverage throughout the United States, but this lofty ambition resulted in staggeringly huge financi al and human costs. The ACA requires insurers to accept all applicants, cover certainRead MoreA Brief Note On The Affordable Care Act1667 Words   |  7 PagesAffordable Care Act (ACA) provides us with the opportunity to advance health equity and social justice through expansion of Medicaid, establishment of state health exchanges and changes to private insurance to increase access. However, this opportunity has not been fully realized since the inception of the ACA because it was not implemented as a federal mandate, but rather allowed flexibility in Medicaid expansion by individual states. Other weaknesses result from the fact that ACA provisions have oftenRead MoreRationale Of Health Insurance Expansion1025 Words   |  5 PagesHealth Insurance Expansion Rationale of Health Insurance Expansion. In 2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) (HHS, 2014). This law placed health insurance reforms put consumers in charge of their health care choices (HHS, 2014). The Affordable Care Act has been working to make health care more affordable, accessible with high quality for families, seniors, businesses and more (HHS, 2014). This law also was intended to change the Medicaid programs by providingRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Mediciciana Plan1319 Words   |  6 PagesMedicaid programs beyond what is available under current law. Indiana is among the seven states that are using a Federal waiver to continue its seven-year-old Healthy Indiana Plan instead of implementing the traditional Medicaid expansion offered by the ACA. The Healthy Indiana Plan, also known as HIP 2.0 since 2015, is a health insurance program for uninsured adults with income at or below 138 percent of the Federal poverty level.1 Indiana Medicaid has three programs for patients with serious mental illnessRead MoreGoals Of The Afforadable Care Act1601 Words   |  7 Pagesthe efficiency of healthcare. Expanding healthcare coverage - why did we need it? In 2010, the National Health Interview survey revealed that 16% of the American population were uninsured. Furthermore, in the year prior to the implementation of the ACA, census surveys affirmed that forty-seven (47.3) million Americans under the age of 65 were uninsured; this constituted 18% of the under 65 demographic. Moreover, of the individuals who had health insurance, thirty-one (31.7) million individuals spentRead MoreThe Provisions Of The Affordable Care Act1319 Words   |  6 Pages3.0 PROVISIONS OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT To Expand Health Care Coverage (a.) Expansion of Public Health Insurance Programs In order to decrease the amount of uninsured individuals one of the provisions of the ACA centered on expanding public health insurance programs namely Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program(CHIP). Medicaid was expanded to include children, pregnant women, parents, and adults without dependent children up to 133% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Medicaid expansionRead MoreThe Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act1057 Words   |  5 PagesAffordable Care Act The Patient Protection and Affordable care Act also known as Affordable Care Act, Obama Care and ACA is an act signed into law by the current president of the United States, Barack Obama in March 23, 2010. Beginning in 2014, any failure to purchase minimum coverage will result in a person being fined. Also included in the Act are individual mandate requirements, expanding public programs, health insurance exchanges, transition to private insurance, what is required of employers

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tell About the Time When You Gained Something Precious Free Essays

It was cold that October morning in Elizabeth City, NC. I hardly slept at all the night before and 4a. m. We will write a custom essay sample on Tell About the Time When You Gained Something Precious or any similar topic only for you Order Now had come very early. It didn’t matter; I had to be at the hospital at 6a. m. It was finally time for the world to meet baby Valarey and for baby Valarey to meet the world. It was time, time to have my precious baby. By 7a. m. I was hooked up to my IV. By 9a. m. the nurses had me hooked up to a fetal monitor that monitored my baby and my contractions. I was now stuck in this not so comfortable bed until after my baby was born. My labor had started on its own but my doctor decided to start a Pitocin drip to induce my labor and make it go a little faster. It was now 4p. m. and was time for the epidural. My husband almost passed out after watching the elongated needle go into the small of my back! It took everything in me to whisper â€Å"Something’s wrong† to the nurse. Everything went dark and I could hear a beeping noise that sounded like it was fading in the distance. I was dying, slowly slipping away from this world. When I finally regained consciousness I looked at my husband in dismay. The look on his face was complete trepidation. He told me that my blood pressure had plummeted and they had almost lost me. The nurse asked me how I was feeling and I told her I was ok. It seemed like I had been out for a very long time but my husband said it was only seconds. He said that the nurse had to inject me with some emergency medication to bring my blood pressure back to normal. It was now about 9p. m. and the nurse told me it was time to have my baby. It was pushing time! You could see the excitement is my husband’s face. I was just as excited! We were about to meet our second baby. To finally see what she looked like, to hear the sounds of here cries and to feel her soft skin. The pushing began but the doctor was not in the room yet. My knees were up to my ears and my chin was on my chest as I pushed with all my might, bearing down as hard as I could. After pushing really hard three times everyone in the room started to yell stop! Stop pushing! I thought something was wrong. The baby’s head was out. Her beautiful mystical blue eyes were fluttering like a butterflies wings. Soft, fine almost white, blonde hair and ivory fair skin was the first thing we saw of her. The doctor walked in the room all suited up and the pushing began again. After just a few more pushes our second baby girl was delivered. She was 8lbs even and 19 1/2in long. Valarey Joyce Hunter was born at 9:45p. m. on October 30th, 2001. She was the most beautiful and inestimable thing I had ever seen. How to cite Tell About the Time When You Gained Something Precious, Essays

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Employment Relations - Professions - Ethics and Careers

Question: Write about theEmployment Relations, Professions, Ethics and Careers. Answer: The first question of this assignment deals with the importance of breadth and reliability of information in finding new talents. After answering the question, the prior topic between them has to be selected so that it can make some sense. Breadth is a very important aspect in the course of HR management. It means the broadening of the experience among the HR managers so that the workplace or the organization can be benefitted and enhanced. The new talents want the exposure of their capabilities so they want new challenges in the work field by facing challenges and pressures. The importance of reliability is also another important aspect as it deals with trust quotient of a person (Mowday, Porter and Steers 2013). A person should be much dependable to their seniors and the management. The new talents should always maintain ethics when they represent themselves in front of their seniors and that helps to keep a good employment relation. The seniors should have faith in them upon assigning any work on them. Both these aspects are very important in finding new talents so none of them can be made solely prior though the impact of reliability gives a much fair impression on the employers. The management of the modern organizations has found new ways of exploring new talents nowadays. One of them is by using social networking sites. A social networking site like Book face is very effective on the young minds. They get attracted to use various social networking sites from a very early age. The management must see this as a new venture because a lot of young boys and girls are generally introvert and do not want to express them. They are alert and active on the social sites though (Aral, Dellarocas and Godes 2013). The recruiters use to visit the profiles of the desiring candidates in the social networking site and if they get impressed with the kind of profiles, they tend to hire them. This works on a parallel line as for rejecting the candidates. Some other low cost means like online job sites also help them to locate the candidates and take interviews. Thus they can be reviewed. The recruiters can also review the candidates by taking online tests and creative tests so that they can judge their skills instantly. The candidates can follow the pages of the organizations on Book Face and the recruiters can contact them in near future. Essay Question for Assessment The following portion of the assignment deals with the essay question that is very important in the context of Human Resource Management. The question deals with the nature of promotion and compensation in the HR management areas (Hendry 2014). Promotion is one of the most important aspects in the employed life of a person (Seringhaus and Rosson 2012). The meaning of promotion is to advance in his professional career. It signifies his upliftment from his present rank to a higher rank. A person is only promoted to a higher rank when he has performed in his present rank or designation in a satisfactory way. This means he is ready to control a bigger role in the organization. Simultaneously, his salary is also increased. The aspect of loyalty is very significant in deciding the nature of promotion of an employee. A promotion in job also signifies a bigger responsibility and it is upon the human resource department to decide whether that person can manage the increased level of duties or not. They have to make the fact sure before the hierarchy promotes them. In case the HR department finds that he is not fit to manage the responsibilities, they can make certain arrangements to train that person. Another important aspect of this essay question is the aspect of compensation (Leave and No 2012). Compensation is something that an employee receives apart from their basic wages and salaries. The compensation is generally regarded as the amount of money that an employee receives for contributing his best efforts to the organization and in return, the organization rewards them by giving extra money and benefits to the employee. These employees can include medical insurances, travel allowances, tickets for travelling at a certain tome of the year and others. The extra amount of money that the employee receives can be called as bonus, incentives, commissions, profit sharing and some others. The role of human resource management professionals is a key one in this aspect. They have to analyze the job profiles from the job descriptions given and assess them if the particular employee has performed well enough to be considered for compensation. Human Resource Professional Competency Human resource professional competency is the framework is the framework by which the different tasks have to be measured by the human resource managers to assess the performance level of the employers (Ulrich et al. 2012). The HR professionals have to perform a wide range of tasks and they have to practice their profession in a wide range of contexts. The functional and enabling competency is one of the most important competency aspects that have to be highlighted in this context. The HR managers must assess the functional abilities of the employees in different situations. They have to analyze their job roles and the ways they are performing those job roles. It is their part of work to promote the particular employees and ensure a compensation for their positive contribution to the organization. Stakeholder Theory Stake holder theory is a very important theory in the context of the management. It is generally a theory that concerns over the management of the organizations and the business ethics (Crane and Matten 2016). These things are very essential to run a business organization. This is also significant in the study of the strategic management (Hill, Jones and Schilling 2014). The stakeholders of an organization always have a sharp eye on the development of the organization. The development is closely associated with the performance of the employees and when the targets are met, the performance of the employees should be rewarded. This also concerns the promotion and compensation for the employees so that they get motivation from the stakeholders and the hierarchy. References Aral, S., Dellarocas, C. and Godes, D., 2013. Introduction to the special issuesocial media and business transformation: a framework for research.Information Systems Research,24(1), pp.3-13. Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016.Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Hendry, C., 2012.Human resource management. Routledge. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014.Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Leave, B. and No, C., 2012. Compensation and Benefits.Policy. Mowday, R.T., Porter, L.W. and Steers, R.M., 2013.Employeeorganization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic press. Seringhaus, F.R. and Rosson, P.J. eds., 2012.Export development and promotion: The role of public organizations. Springer Science Business Media. Ulrich, D., Brockbank, W., Younger, J. and Ulrich, M., 2012.Global HR competencies. McGraw-Hill.